3 Txoj Hauv Kev Txhawm rau rub Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Auto

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3 Txoj Hauv Kev Txhawm rau rub Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Auto
3 Txoj Hauv Kev Txhawm rau rub Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Auto

Grand Theft Auto ib txwm tau muag thiab yuav ntawm lub khoos phis tawm los ntawm Rockstar Games. Txawm li cas los xij, kev txhim kho thev naus laus zis tsis ntev los no tau ua rau GTA game franchise muaj nyob hauv digital media. Yog tias koj tsis nyiam tawm mus thiab yuav Grand Theft Auto lub cev nruab disk, koj tuaj yeem rub tawm cov digital version ntawm GTA. Kev rub tawm yuav siv sijhawm me ntsis txij li cov ntawv loj dua, tab sis cov txheej txheem yog qhov ncaj heev.

Cov kauj ruam

Txoj Kev 1 ntawm 3: Yuav GTA Digital Copy los ntawm Xbox Live Marketplace

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 1
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 1

Kauj Ruam 1. Hloov ntawm koj lub Xbox console

Tos kom nws ua tiav booting thiab tso saib lub vijtsam hauv tsev.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 2
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 2

Kauj ruam 2. Mus rau Games

Xaiv "Games" siv cov yuam sij taug kev ntawm koj tus tswj. Qhib nws los ntawm nias lub pob "A".

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 3
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 3

Kauj Ruam 3. Nrhiav Grand Theft Auto

Xaiv "Xauj Kev Ua Si" los ntawm cov ntawv qhia zaub mov vuas thiab saib rau Grand Theft Auto game nyob hauv ntu "Nqis thiab Taug txuj kev nyuaj".

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 4
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 4

Kauj Ruam 4. Pib yuav qhov game

Nias lub pob "A" txhawm rau qhib Lub Vev Xaib ntawm qhov kev ua si thiab xaiv "Rub" pobzeb kom pib yuav qhov game.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 5
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 5

Kauj Ruam 5. Xaiv koj txoj kev them nqi

Xaiv "Hloov Kev Xaiv Them Nqi" thiab nias lub pob "X" ntawm koj tus tswj kom yuav qhov kev ua si siv Microsoft Points lossis Credit Card.

Yog tias koj yuav xaiv daim npav rho nyiaj raws li hom kev them nyiaj, koj yuav tsum nkag mus rau hauv daim npav cov ntsiab lus ntawm kab ntawv uas tau muab

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 6
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 6

Kauj Ruam 6. Paub meej tias koj yuav khoom

Xaiv "Confirm Download" thiab nias lub pob "A" dua kom pib. Qhov Active Downloads window yuav tshwm uas qhia qhov ua tiav ntawm cov ntawv.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 7
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 7

Kauj Ruam 7. Tos kom cov txheej txheem rub tawm tiav

Thaum nws ua tiav, the digital copy of GTA should be available in the Home screen.

Txoj Kev 2 ntawm 3: Yuav GTA Digital Copy los ntawm Playstation Store

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 8
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 8

Kauj Ruam 1. Hloov ntawm koj lub Playstation console

Tos kom nws ua tiav booting thiab tso saib lub vijtsam hauv tsev.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 9
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 9

Kauj Ruam 2. Mus rau tom Khw

Scroll rau sab xis ntawm lub vijtsam siv cov yuam sij taug kev ntawm koj tus tswj thiab xaiv "Playstation Store".

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 10
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 10

Kauj Ruam 3. Mus rau Games

Scroll cia rau sab laug cov ntawv qhia zaub mov thiab xaiv "Games" los ntawm nias "X" khawm ntawm koj tus tswj.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 11
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 11

Kauj Ruam 4. Xaiv Grand Theft Auto

Saib rau Grand Theft Auto game muaj npe nyob hauv. Nias lub pob "X" dua los qhib nws lub vijtsam saib ua si.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 12
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 12

Kauj Ruam 5. Yuav qhov game

Xaiv "Ntxiv rau Lub Laub" los ntawm sab laug ntawm qhov screen los yuav qhov kev ua si. Nyem rau "Mus Ntxiv rau Kev Txheeb Xyuas" khawm thaum lub tawb nqa khoom saib ua ntej lub qhov muag tshwm ntawm qhov screen kom pib ua koj li kev xaj khoom.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 13
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 13

Kauj Ruam 6. Ua kom tiav koj daim ntawv xaj

Ua qhov no los ntawm kev xaiv "Txheeb Xyuas Kev Yuav" siv koj tus tswj "X" khawm. Koj yuav raug xa rov qab mus rau qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam xyuas qhov kev yuav khoom.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 14
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 14

Kauj Ruam 7. Rub tawm game

Nias tus tswj "X" khawm ntawm "Download" thiab rub tawm qhov kev tshuaj ntsuam yuav tshwm, qhia qhov xwm txheej ntawm koj kev yuav khoom.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 15
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 15

Kauj Ruam 8. Tos kom rub tawm kom tiav

Thaum ua tiav GTA yuav tsum tshwm hauv koj lub console ntu Game.

Txoj Kev 3 ntawm 3: Rub tawm GTA Digital Copy ntawm Koj Lub PC

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 16
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 16

Kauj Ruam 1. Mus rau Amazon

Qhib lub web browser ntawm koj lub computer thiab mus rau Amazon lub vev xaib (https://www.amazon.com).

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 17
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 17

Kauj ruam 2. Kos npe rau

Nyem rau "Nkag Mus Hauv" khawm ntawm lub kaum sab xis saum toj ntawm nplooj ntawv thiab nkag mus rau koj tus lej Amazon cov ntsiab lus kom nkag mus.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 18
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 18

Kauj Ruam 3. Mus rau ntu Electronics thiab Khoos phis tawj

Nyem rau "Khw los ntawm Lub Tsev Haujlwm" nyob rau sab laug sab saum toj thiab xaiv "Cov Khoom Siv Hluav Taws Xob thiab Khoos Phis Tawj" los ntawm cov npe teev cia.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 19
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 19

Kauj Ruam 4. Mus rau Digital Games

Xaiv "Video Games" hauv pawg no thiab nyem "Digital Games" nyob rau hauv "Quick Links" nyob ntawm sab laug ntawm cov ntawv qhia zaub mov. Nqe lus no suav nrog txhua qhov kev ua si uas muaj daim ntawv theej digital.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 20
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 20

Kauj Ruam 5. Xaiv GTA series koj xav tau los ntawm cov npe ua si

Nyem rau nws lub npe kom qhib cov ntsiab lus khoom.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 21
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 21

Kauj Ruam 6. Yuav qhov game

Nyem rau "Yuav thiab Rub" khawm ntawm lub kaum sab xis-sab xis ntawm nplooj ntawv txhawm rau yuav qhov game.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 22
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 22

Kauj Ruam 7. Paub meej tias koj yuav khoom

Sau koj cov ntsiab lus them nyiaj (credit, daim debit card lossis PayPal) thaum nug kom paub meej tias yuav qhov kev ua si.

Download Grand Theft Auto Step 23
Download Grand Theft Auto Step 23

Kauj Ruam 8. Nrhiav game hauv koj tus as khauj

Nyem rau "Koj Tus lej Nyiaj" khawm ntawm lub kaum sab xis saum toj thiab xaiv "Koj Cov Game & Software Library" los ntawm cov npe teev cia. Nqe lus no muaj tag nrho cov luam theej duab ntawm kev ua si thiab software koj tau yuav los ntawm Amazon.

Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 24
Download Grand Tub Sab Nyiag Pib Kauj Ruam 24

Kauj Ruam 9. Rub Grand Theft Auto

Xaiv Grand Theft Auto daim ntawv koj tau yuav los rub tawm cov khoom rau koj lub khoos phis tawj.

Lub tswv yim

  • Cov khoom txhawb nqa lossis khoom plig uas suav nrog hauv daim ntawv theej ntawm qhov kev ua si yuav tsis muaj rau cov ntawv theej.
  • Nqi ntawm cov ntawv luam qee zaum txawv ntawm qhov ntawm daim ntawv theej ntawm lub cev.

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